
Monday, July 12, 2004

Notes from the scanner net of July 11th 2004 

Notes from the scanner net of July 11th 2004

We had 30 stations check into the net Sunday night including the net control station.

My thanks again to all the stations that check into and contribute to the net each week. It is you guys that make the net go and make it worthwhile. Here is a brief synopsis of what we covered this week.


Having skipped a week for the Fourth of July Holiday we had a lot to talk about. I hope all of you had a safe and happy holiday.

First I would like to ask if anyone knows KA3VFX? He was one of two email addresses that bounced every time I sent something out to this list. I have him listed as ka3vfx@juno.com but the account is apparently inactive. I did hear from the other station whose address had changed and I have updated him on the list so now I’m down to one. If you should run into Nathaniel on the air ask him to drop me a note in email. Thanks.


Naming Our Club

I have a suggestion of “Association of Radio frequency Monitors of Southwestern Pennsylvania” or ARMS for short. Thanks to Craig, KB3KBH, for the idea. Unless someone else comes up with something better or has a serious objection we are going to run with it.


“A target rich environment”

That is what Maverick told Mother Goose the bar in the movie “Top Gun” was as they walked in and that is what scanner listeners will have if they attend the Vintage Grand Prix next Saturday July 17th and Sunday July 18th. Better yet, bring your ham rig along and volunteer some time to help out with race communications. Remember on of the prime reasons for the existence of amateur radio is public service. Besides, its fun!

If you would like to take part contact Corky, N3MJP, on the air or at one of the following numbers.

724-626-0873 Home
724-217-5458 Cell phone


Is Butler County going to UHF?

That was a question posed by someone I had talked with on 147.09 earlier in the week and it turns out that the answer is yes.

Several stations commented that Butler County was going to fashion their new system after the NewCom system in the North Hills. If they do their homework as the group in north hills did it should work just fine when complete.

Dave, KB3FXI, offered this url for The Butler County Fire Chief's Association where you will find two nice .PDF documents with minimum standards for the new radio system and an operations manual describing how dispatching functions will be handled. Fire up your web browser and take a look it will be worth your time.


Frank, one of our scanner listeners who maintains a very good frequency list asked about 471.1625 in North Fayette Township. He wanted to know if it was still in use by them and K3FSS confirms that indeed it is. He said that they use a PL tone of 131.8 and the unit numbers in the 6xx series are North Fayette.


Nextel Swap Approved by the FCC

This story comes to us from the Strong Signals web page (http://www.strongsignals.net) where you will find a link in their news section that leads you to the Money Page of USA Today. If you are not familiar with the problems that public safety radio systems are having from Nextel you need to go read up on the controversy. Just do a “google” search on Nextel and interference and you will find a number of articles on the subject. Or you can go to this web site FIX800MHZ and read the information there. It is an excellent starting point to learn what is going on. This one is not over yet by a long shot. I was told by an employee of one of Nextel’s competitors that this ruling will lead to a fight in the courts. Stay tuned, as there is more in the offing.


Rich, K3RWN, offers us this frequency for the week. 469.550 He says this is being used at Pittsburgh Raceway Park. If you are going out to watch the races make sure to take your scanner along. Thanks Rich!

And congratulations are in order to Rich who attended the VE session at Skyview Radio Society last weekend and passed the Amateur Extra Class exam. Those of you who have looked at the question pools for the tests know this is no small feat. Nice going Rich.


Meeting of The Oblong Table

I have already sent at least two emails on this subject but just so everyone knows here it is again. The next meeting will be this Wednesday evening July 14th at 07:30 PM in Kings Restaurant in Water Works Plaza. I did a complete FOOBAR on the date with this one so if no one shows up I will have only myself to blame. I hope to see you there as we always have a good time at these meetings. Kings is located just north of the Highland Park Bridge on old Rt. 28 across from the City of Pittsburgh water treatment plant. If you have any questions or need further directions please drop me a note and I will do the best I can.


Looking forward to next week

Next week I would like to discuss among other things, where to get a scanner repaired both locally and otherwise. I would also like to hear from you where you look when you want to buy a used scanner. Yard sales, eBay, swap lists, pawnshops or ham fests? Think about it and let those on the net know what your answer to these questions will be.

That is all for this week. Thanks again to all who checked in and those of you out there listening and working on your ham ticket stick with it. You will join us on the air soon. Hope to see you at Kings on Wednesday evening and hear you next Sunday on the Pittsburgh Ares Scanner Net.


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Meeting of The Oblong Table 

There will be another metting of The Oblong Table this Wednesday evening July 14th 2004 at 07:30 PM in Kings restaurant in Water Works Plaza. Come and join us if you can we always have a good time at these meetings and right now we are working on laying the ground work for a club. Kings is located just north of the Highland Park Bridge on old Rt. 28 across from the City of Pittsburgh water treatment plant. If you have questions or need further directions please drop me a note. [WA3FKG] Hope to see a lot of you there.

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