Tuesday, June 07, 2005
In my snail mail box today
This magazine has been available since 1997 and I may have subscribed to it in the past but if I did I don't have any back issues laying around which for me is unusual. That being the case I don't understand how I could not have been subscriber because this is one great magazine. I have been a subscriber since March of this year and will definitely renew for next year. I encourage you to stop at your local well stocked news stand or book store and pick up an issue to see just what I mean. And if you like it by all means subscribe as I would like to see a good information source like this one continue.
The June issue has articles about new scanner models from Uniden and Radio Shack, news on the 800 MHZ re-banding plan and much more. One of the feature articles is a “shoot out” comparison between the Radio Shack PRO-2096 and the Uniden BC-796D. Very interesting reading. Check out their web site for additional information.