
Thursday, May 08, 2008

Pittsburgh Area Ham Calendar 

Thanks Chuck for the calendar.

Attached is the latest revised copy of the Pittsburgh Area Ham Radio
Calendar that I read during the Monday Night
Two Rivers ARC Net. The net stars at 8 PM on the 146.73 MHz WA3PBD Repeater.
73 de Chuck KC3ET
The following information is provided as a service to those listening to the
Two Rivers ARC 'Monday Night 2 Meter Net' operating at 8 PM local time on the
146.73 MHz WA3PBD Repeater, and on the Two Rivers ARC 'Come As You Are Net'
which operates on Thursdays starting at 8 PM on the club repeater 147.12 MHz.

* 2008 *
* MAY *
7 Amateur Radio Exams (note 10)
8 Amateur Radio Exams (note 11)
10 Armed Forces Day Communications Test
More Info: Qst Magazine-May 2208 Issue-Page 99
Internet: http://www.netcom.army.mil/MARS
16-18 Dayton Hamvention-Hara Arena-Dayton, OH
More Info: http://www.hamvention.org
24-25 CQ World Wide WPX Contest-CW Mode
27 Two Rivers ARC Club Meeting-8 PM (note 1)
31 South West Pa Packet Group Meeting-10 AM-Blue Flame Restaurant
Route 51 South-Pleasant Hills, PA-(note 4)

* JUNE *
1 Breezshooters Hamfest and Computer Show-8am to 3pm
Butler Farm Showgrounds-Route 68-(next to Roe Airport)
Butler, PA-Talk-In: 147.300 (no tone)
More Info: Phone: 412-829-9383
Email: hamfest2008@breezeshooters.com
10 Two Rivers ARC Amateur Radio Exams (Note 2b)
17 Two Rivers ARC Club Meeting-8 PM (note 1)
21 ARRL Kids Day-More Info: http://www.arrl.org/FandES/kd-rules.html
26 Amateur Radio Exams (note 11)
28-29 ARRL Field Day
* JULY *
13 23rd Annual North Hills Amateur Radio Club Hamfest
Northland Public Library-300 Cumberland Road-Pittsburgh, PA
Talk-In: 147.09 (PL 88.5)
More Info: http://www.nharc.org
Phone: 412-487-9254
Email: n3rqd@earthlink.net
15 Two Rivers ARC Club Meeting-8 PM (note 1)
19-20 Pittsburgh Vintage Gran Prix Auto Race
20 Western Pa Repeater Council Meeting-130 PM-(note 5)
Tentative: State College Pa.
20 Somerset county ARC Hamfest
Somerset County VO-Tech School-Somerset, PA-Talkin:147.195 Repeater
More Info:
email: ak3j@arrl.net web:http://www.k3smt.org
26 South West Pa Packet Group Meeting-10 AM-Blue Flame Restaurant
Route 51 South-Pleasant Hills, PA-(note 4)

2-3 Pittsburgh PA 250 Year Celebration
Special Event Stations to be in operation
Check with your local club for participation
9 Two Rivers ARC Family Picnic-Noon to Dark
White Oak Park-Cedar Grove 2-White Oak, PA
24 Skyview Radio Society-Western Pennsylvania Section Convention
Skyview Radio Society Clubhouse-2335 Turkey Ridge Road
New Kensington, PA
Talk-In: 146.640- (PL 131.8)
More Info: http://www.skyviewradio.net/
Email: SkyviewHamfest2008@verizon.net
30 Union ARC Gabfest
Uniontown ARC Club Grounds-Old Pittsburgh Road-Uniontown, PA
More Info:
email: newsletter@w3pie.org
9 Two Rivers ARC Amateur Radio Exams (Note 2b)
16 Two Rivers ARC Club Meeting-8 PM (note 1)
27 South West Pa Packet Group Meeting-10 AM-Blue Flame Restaurant
Route 51 South-Pleasant Hills, PA-(note 4)

19 Western Pa Repeater Council Meeting-130 PM-(note 5)
Annual Meeting & Election of Officers
Tentative: Clarion, PA
21 Two Rivers ARC Club Meeting-8 PM (note 1)
2 WACOM Hamfest-Washington County Fairgrounds
Washington PA
More Info:
Phone: 724-986-9271
email: n3zni@arrl.net internet: http://wacomarc.org
18 Two Rivers ARC Club Meeting-8 PM (note 1)
29 South West Pa Packet Group Meeting-10 AM-Blue Flame Restaurant
Route 51 South-Pleasant Hills, PA-(note 4)

9 Two Rivers ARC Amateur Radio Exams (Note 2b)

1: Time:8 PM-McKeesport Area High School-South Hall Cafeteria-Eden Park Blvd-McKeesport, PA
More Info: Internet-http://www.tworiversarc.com - Email: trarc@tworiversarc.com
2. a. All exams will be held as noted below, except for exams at the Two Rivers ARC Hamfest.
Please contact the coordinators for more information: 412-664-1683/412-678-1206
email: veteam @ tworiversarc.com
b. McKeesport Area High School-South Hall-Room 112-Eden Park Blvd-McKeeport, PA
630 PM-48 Hour Pre-Registration Requested-More Info: 412 664 1683/412 678 1206
email: veteam @ tworiversarc.com
3. Time: 9 AM-Kings Restaurant-Corner PA 48 & U.S. 30-North Versailles, PA
4. Time: 10 AM-Blue Flame Restaurant-PA Route 51-Large, PA (Near Southland Shopping Center)
More Info: 412-384-8012 or Internet: http://swppg.zelie.com-Email:geno570@verizon.net
5. Time 130 PM-Meetings are held at various locations in the ARRL defined W.PA Section.
More Info: Internet-http://www.wprc.us
Email: wprcemail@yahoogroups.com
6. More Info: http://www.arrl.org/contests/calendar.html
7. More Info: http://www.ncjweb.com/naqprules.php
8. More Info: http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/index.html
9. More Info: http://www.nittany-arc.net/paqso.html
10.Salvation Army Disaster Services-825 Parish Street, Greentree Boro
First Floor Class Room-Pittsburgh PA 15220
Time: 7 PM to 9 PM-Email: ka3tdq @ verizon.net
11.Allegheny County Emergency Operations Center
400 North Lexington Street-Second Floor/Class Room 1A-Pittsburgh PA 15208
Time: 7 PM to 9 PM-Email: ka3tdq @ verizon.net
Information provided by: A.R.R.L., QST Magazine, CQ Magazine,Ten-Ten International,
South West Pa Packet Group, Two Rivers ARC 'Spark Gap' Newsletter (Editor: N3XBW),

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