
Friday, June 04, 2004

Letter from the State Auditor General 

This letter from State Auditor General Bob Casey was posted to the PA-800MHZ mailing list today.

Department of the Auditor General
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 171204)018

May25, 2004

The Honorable Kelly Lewis
State Representative
gg;h Legislative District
Room 1498 East Wing
House Box 202020
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

Dear Representative Lewis:

Thank you for your letter of May 4. 7004 in which you requested that the
Department of the Auditor General conduct an audit of the Commonwealth's
project to build a new state-of-the-art Statewide Public Safety Digital Radio
Systern (SPSRS).

As you are aware, the Office of Administration issued a press release on
May 12. 2O04, indicating that the Commonwealth had retained IXP Corp. to
conduct an independent assessment of the SPSRS' current status and whether
the project is properly positioned for near term completion in the most efficient
and cost effective manner possible. In addition, the press release stated that IXP
Corp. will examine, as part of its assessment. concerns raised by you and
Representative Pat Browne about the level of resources necessary to ensure
interoperability between the Commonwealth's SPSRS and county and local

Based on the Office of Administration's action, we have decided to refrain from
commencing a formal audit of the project at this time. However, we will examine
the results of the IXP Corp.'s assessment and re-evaluate the need for future
audits. We have also requested additional information from the Office of
Administration about the status of the project. Enclosed is a copy of that

We will keep you and Representative Browne apprised of any further action the
Department of the Auditor General takes after IXP Corp. completes its
assessment. T
Thank you for bringing your concerns about the project to my attention. Please
do not hesitate to contact Sandy Williams or me at (717) 787-2543 should you
have any further questions concerning this issue.


Robert P. Casey, Jr.
Auditor General

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