
Saturday, August 06, 2005

Discovery Shuttle comms linked on W3YJ-R 

Hello all,

I currently have W3YJ-R linked to the Florida Echolink conference server
(node # 1842) and monitoring the Discovery Shuttle communications. The link
is a audio muted listen-only connection so communications on W3YJ-R and any
other connected nodes do not interfere with the conference server.

To disconnect the server connection, key your radio up on W3YJ-R and press
## then unkey. If you would like to reconnect to the conference server, key
up and press #1842.

To check to see if the W3YJ-R repeater is currently connected to any
Echolink nodes, key up and press #08. Echolink will then state the W3YJ-R
Echolink connection status.


-David Kleber, KB3FXI
Communications Officer
O'Hara Township EMA

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