
Friday, September 09, 2005

Big two event weekend in Pittsburgh 

It is another big ham radio weekend in Pittsburgh. Lot of good stuff going on.

Event number 1.

Saturday there is a "Road Trip" scheduled with the gang from the Skyview Radio Society and friends to Amateur Electronic Supply in Cleveland. Everyone plans to meet at Kings Family Restaurant in Harmarville, near exit 48 of the Pennsylvania Turn Pike, around 07:00 for breakfast. After a hearty meal and some good conversation the plan is to head west working two meters and some high frequency bands along the way.

The group plans to descend on them like a heard of turtles! We will spend time drooling over all the neat toys, turning the knobs and dials and watching the digital displays dance. Some of the lucky ones may even bring a few of those toys home with them.

Everyone is welcome to come along. So if you are a scanner listener or SWL out there that has an interest in short wave or amateur radio just show up and introduce yourself. The more the merrier. After the plunder of AES the group will probably find a place for lunch before heading east for the return trip home. These trips are always fun and if you can make it I'm surer you won't be disappointed.

Event number 2.

The next day, Sunday, The 28th Annual Butler Hamfest and Computer Show. This is the other big amateur radio event in Pittsburgh along with the Breeze Shooter's Hamfest held at the same location in the spring of the year. Lots of flea market tailgating space and indoor vendors. A great line up of prizes and being a ham radio event there will be good stuff to eat! Follow the above link for additional details and directions to the show.

So lots to do and plenty of good times here at the end of the summer. Hope to see you there.

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