
Monday, October 24, 2005

Changes in the weekly TRAMA net 

Last night I started what will be an ongoing change in the structure of the weekly TRAMA net held Sunday evening on the 147.090 repeater. I would like to hear from those of you who check into as well at those that listen in on the net each week with your thoughts on the new format.

The biggest change will be the number of topics that we discuss on the net and the fashion in which we do it. In coming weeks I will attempt to divide the net up into segments with scanners still at the top of the list but also talking each week about short wave listening, amateur radio, computers and software as they relate directly to radio and other radio services like FRS and MURS.

When there is information available on non radio topics that relate to our interests we will talk about those. For example a discussion of fire apparatus or other emergency service equipment and procedures. A collectors corner were we might discuss old electrical and electronic gear. How about occasional items about astronomy or digital photography? Limited only by decorum and your imagination.

I am also considering a segment on technology. I have had feed back from participants and listeners on the net saying they would like to have discussions on other advancements in technology that are going on today. High Definition Television, broad band Internet access, home computer networks, new developments in electronics. The list is endless. I don't want to let these things dominate the net but I do think there is interest out there among those that join in each week.

So that is a broad overview of my plan. What do you think? I would like to receive email from you non hams out there that listen in on the net with your scanners. Drop me a note in email with your thoughts. CLICK HERE TO EMAIL ME Those of you that check in each week or even occasionally give me a call on the air and let me know what you think of the idea. I plan to follow this general road map and let the net develop this “new format” as the weeks progress.

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