
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Road Trip ! 

It is that time of year again. Usually twice each year the gang at Skyview Radio Society gets together for a “road trip” west to Amateur Electronic Supply in Cleveland. The trip begins with a hearty breakfast at Kings in Harmarville after which the wagon train heads up and moves out on the Pennsylvania Turnpike going west. Takes a little less than two hours to be in parking lot of Amateur Electronic Supply where upon the group descends on the store like a heard of turtles.

Much time is pressing buttons and turning knobs and just general drooling over all the ham goodies found on the shelves within. After the equipment has been properly evaluated and usually a few purchases have been made everyone gets back on the road and finds a local emporium capable of supplying a proper lunch for our hearty souls. All of this while discussing what we found new at AES and what we WISH we had brought home with us.

Then it is back on the turnpike for the return trip to Pittsburgh. Let me tell you from personal experience that it makes for really enjoyable Saturday. Now for the good part. You do not have to be a member of Skyview to be welcome on this sojourn. There are only two requirements for those that wish to join in on this trip. One is enough interest in radio to want to be there in the first place. The second is that you must sign an agreement before leaving that you will swear to any spouse or significant other that no purchase made at AES by any member of the group exceeded the cost of twenty five dollars. ($25.00)

All of you who listen in on the Sunday evening scanner net and the Thursday night rail fan net are more than welcome to attend so feel free to just show up.

Departure will be this Saturday, March 11th, from Kings Family Restaurant in Harmarville near exit 48 of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The breakfast gathering begins around 07:00 so feel free to join in on the fun.

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