
Sunday, February 11, 2007

2007 hamfest calendar 

Thanks to Bob, N3DOK, for passing along this hamfest calendar.

February 4 2007
Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society Winterfest. Location: Gargus Hall. 1965 North Ridge Road. Elyira , OH . Talk-in: 146.700- 110.9pl. Contact: Tom Porter, W8KYZ tporter161@comcast.net http://www.noars.net/

February 11 2007
Mansfield Mid Winter Hamfest and Computer Show. Location: Richland County Fairgrounds. 750 North Home Road . Talk-in: 146.940- 71.9pl. Contact: Dean Wrasse, KB8MG deanwrasse@yahoo.com http://www.iarc.ws/

February 25 2007
Wireless Association of South Hills WASHfest, Location: Castle Shannon VFD 3600 Library Road , Castle Shannon , PA. Talk-in 146.995- 131.8pl. Contact: Steve Lane , W3SRL washarc@yahoo.com http://www.n3sh.org The first local hamfest of the season!!!

March 4 2007
Monessen ARC Hamfest. Location: Elizabeth VFD 107 Market Street. Elizabeth, PA 15037. Talk-in: 147.225+ Contact: John Grimm, N3OVO at john-ovo@n3ovo.com or 412-287-8291 Food and prizes. http://www.k3eko.com/w3csl/

March 11 2007
Foothills ARC hamfest. Location: Greensburg VFD Hose Co. #1. 10 McLaughlin Dr. Contact: Frank Rossi Jr. N3FLR at 724-989-0462 or N3FLR@arrl.net Talk-in 147.180+ 131.8pl Web site: http://www.w3lww.org/

March 31 and April 1 2007
Greater Baltimore Hamboree and Computerfest. “Timonium hamfest”. Talk-in 146.670- Contact: Info2006@gbhc.org http://www.gbhc.org/

April 15 2007
52nd Annual Hamfest/Electronics & Computer Show. Location: Emidio & Sons Party Center , 48 East Bath Road . Cuyahoga Falls , OH . Talk-in: 147.270+. Contact: Ted Sarah, W8TTS at 330-688-2013 or hamfest2007@cfarc.org http://www.cfarc.org/hamfest2007.htm

April 29 2007
Two Rivers Amateur Radio Club. Location: at The Spectrum-6001 Smithfield Street Boston , PA. Talk-in 146.730. Contact: William Hetrick, N3LQC at 412-751-1937 or n3lqc@comcast.net http://www.qsl.net/w3oc VE testing.

May 18, 19 and 20 2007
Dayton Hamvention! The big daddy! Location: Hara Arena, 1001 Shiloh Springs Road . http://www.hamvention.org/

June 1, 2 and 3 2007
Rochester Hamfest. Location: Monroe County Fairgrounds Rt. 15A Rochester NY . Talk-in: ? Contact: info@rochesterhamfest.org http://rochesterhamfest.org/

June 3 2007
52 nd Annual Breeze Shooters Hamfest & Computer Show This is the biggest area hamfest! Location: Butler Farm Show Grounds. Route 68 East of Butler . Talk-in 147.360+ 131.8pl Contact: Robert W. Benna, N3LWP hamfest at 412-366-0488 or 2006@breezeshooters.com http://www.breezeshooters.net/ VE testing.

July 8 2007
North Hills ARC hamfest. Northland Public Library, 300 Cumberland Road . McCandless Township 15237 . Talk-in 147.090+. Contact: Gorman, N3RQD at 412-487-9254 or n3rqd@earthlink.net http://www.nharc.pgh.pa.us/

July 14 2007
NW PA Hamfest Wattsburg Wireless & Union City Wireless Associations. Location: Greene Township Municipal Building 9333 Tate Road. Talk-in 147.70- Contact: Floyd Titus, WA3LCO at 814-825-8599 or titus@velocity.net http://www.nw-pa-hamfest.com

NOARSFEST Northern Ohio ARS Location: Lorain County Fairgrounds Route 18 Talk-in 146.700 Contact: Thomas Porter, W8KYZ at 440-930-9115 or tporter161@oh.rr.com http://www.noars.net

August 26 2007 The best little hamfest in the world!
Skyview Radio Society 47 th annual Swap N Shop! Location: Skyview Radio Society clubhouse grounds. 2335 Turkey Ridge Road . New Kensington , PA 15068 . Talk-in: 146.640- 131.8pl. Contact: Mac Laing, KB3LYA at maclaing@comcast.net http://www.skyviewradio.net/

September 23 2007
Cleveland Hamfest and Computer Show. Location: Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds. 164 Eastland Road . Talk-in: 146.730- 110.9pl. Contact: William R. Beckman, N8LXY at 800-CLE-FEST http://www.hac.org/

October 28 2007
Massillon Amateur Radio Club. Massillon Hamfest and Auction Massillon Amateur Radio Club Location: Massillon Boys and Girls Club 730 Duncan Street SW. Talk-in: 147.180+ (PL 110.9)Contact: Terry Russ, N8ATZ at truss@sssnet.com or 330-837-3091 http://www.marcradio.org

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