
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Voice with pictures, what will they think of next? 

Regular readers know that I spend a fair number of time units listening to Net Casts, or Pod Casts if you prefer, most of them with a technical bent many being dedicated to amateur radio. Net casting has brought about fulfillment of a promise that the cable industry made years ago. They told everyone that with the capacity of cable there would be so many channels that “narrow casting” would spring up and you would have a dedicated channel for butterfly collectors and another for coin collectors and on and on. While there are a number of channels now days that focus on specific areas of interest on both cable and satellite there still has to be enough ears and eyeballs out there to to be able to finance the production and distribution of programming.

Not so on the Internet where anyone with a microphone and a camera can produce content that might appeal to a very small number of people. Many do just that and do it because they love talking about and sharing information on their favorite topic. Ham radio has benefited from this as there are now a number of well done audio pod casts for our hobby. Two of the best examples are This Week In Amateur Radio and Amateur Radio News Line.

Produced once a week like many other things in amateur radio they are far from an “amateur” production. If you click on the link of either program above and listen to an episode you will see exactly what I mean.

Always on the lookout for new content I recently found Amateurlogic.tv which is a video pod cast. You not only get to listen to your fellow hams talk about there interest in the hobby but get top notch video as they deliver stories about ham radio and give instructions on interesting projects that you can try out yourself. I have downloaded a number of their shows and I have to tell you that I'm very impressed with the quality of the content.

Take a look for yourself and see if you don't agree. Point your web browser over to AmateurLogic.tv where you can read their blog and look at the archive section with all the past shows. I think you will enjoy it as much as I have.

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