
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

G20 Frequencies 

The following frequency list was sent to me by Jeff, N3TAY and have had activity on them today.

170.825 old type of scrambling heard

165.2875 p 25

170.5875 p 25

171.2625 p 25

172.6875 p 25

169.5875 p 25

413.875 heard 3p1294 to control for a radio check. not sure who this is

163.950 encrypted p 25

166.5125 encrypted p25

163.725 p 25

163.110 or maybe 163.1125 hearing aircraft calling for radio checks and various locations for video in p 25

170.815 encrypted p 25

170.880 encrypted p 25

164.400 came up as data and encrypted on my 396xt p25

168.4625 encrypted p25

406.3375 p 25 and some encrypted

407.775 p 25

407.7875 p 25
407.3875 p 25

170.825 old type of scrambling heard FBI

165.2875 p 25 ATF

170.5875 p 25 VA

171.2625 p 25 VA

172.6875 p 25 VA

169.5875 p 25 VA

413.875 heard 3p1294 to control for a radio check. not sure who this is FED PROT SVC

163.950 encrypted p 25 FBI

166.5125 encrypted p25 SS (SIERRA)

163.725 p 25 CBP

163.110 or maybe 163.1125 hearing aircraft calling for radio checks and various locations for video in p 25 UNKNOWN

170.815 encrypted p 25 UNKNOWN

170.880 encrypted p 25

164.400 came up as data and encrypted on my 396xt p25 SS (PAPA)

168.4625 encrypted p25 UNKNOWN

406.3375 p 25 and some encrypted USPI

407.775 p 25 USPI

407.7875 p 25 UNKNOWN
407.3875 p 25 UNKNOWN
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