Saturday, January 09, 2010
If you are look for a two meter mobile
I just heard, and confirmed via their web site, that Ham Radio Outlet is having a close out sale on the Yaesu FT-2800M transceiver. Production of this radio was discontinued in 2009 and it has been replaced by the FT-2900M which looking at the specifications seems to be the same radio with ten watts additional power output. I did not check other dealers so if you look around you may find similar prices or even better. Although if you find an FT-2800M for less than $100 you are getting a heck of a deal.
I have an FT-2800M and it is a really great rig. Solid as a rock and lots of nice features. The only thing it has against it in this day of matchbox sized cars is trying to find a place to mount it under the dash. That is assuming that you have a "dash" to mount it under. The rig has a massive heat sink on the back of it that makes up the bulk of the frame of the radio.
I just thought I would pass this tidbit along to the blog in case Santa forgot to leave any radio toys under the tree this year.
While I'm at it let me put in a shameless plug for one of the vendors that supports our largest local ham fest here in the Pittsburgh area. If you are looking to buy a new rig be it Icom, Kenwood or Yaesu consider placing your order with KJI Electronics. The Breeze Shooters Ham Fest is one of the largest in the Pittsburgh area and KJI has been very supportive of both the club and the ham fest. I like to return the favor when the chance arises. So give them a call and see if they have a similar price. Often times they will match a sale price if you call and ask. Good people, give them a chance.
Labels: Yaesu FT-2800M close out sale Ham Radio Outlet
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