
Friday, November 15, 2013

Talking with the early birds 

Temporary operating position in the shack

Well I have a ways to go before the station is back in anything that resembles a reasonable state of order.  I do have a start though and am back on the air.  Really enjoying operating the HF bands again and have discovered a number of nets that I have been checking into.  This morning I checked in for the first time with the "Early Bird Trans Continental Net".

Seems like a nice group of guys and gals and I intend to check in as often as I can.  As the name implies though you have to be one of those early morning people to meet up with them and I have not traditionally been a "morning person".  I was experiencing some pain last night which had me up and down quite a bit and found me here in the radio room at 04:00.  I intend to dial around the bands and see who else is on at this time of the day before laying back down and seeing if I can get a little additional sleep.  If you have an HF station please join in on the fun and make some new friends across the country and around the world.  73's and I hope to meet you on the air sometime.

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